Monday, November 2, 2009


can't believe November is here!!!
2009 is almost over!!!

hhhmmmmm... the list of things I will be accomplishing for this month! (Oh boy)
-I'll turn 13 1/2, (whoohooo!)
-finish co-op, (*SNIFF SNIFF*)
-see NEW MOON!! (Counting the days!)
-go to jamboree! (hoorahh)
- babysit and do every thing momma asks me to do... (...)
-go Christmas shopping, (a toughie)
- decorate my room for Christmas (yay)
-see Tim Hawkins LIVE (already lmbo)
-practice duo speech with Sarah (can't wait girl;D)
-preform duo speech as Mr. Bennett in Pride and prejudice... (you'd better tune in for that one!)
and last but not least, have a leisurely Thanks Giving with my family!!!
so much to do and see!